Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation on toes; vector-borne diseases rise

Ahmedabad | Wednesday | 14th August, 2019


While widespread rains have brought relief to otherwise drought-affected state, it has also put the staff of health department of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) on toes as cases of vector-borne diseases have risen between August 1-10 compared to that of July. In the case of water-borne diseases, typhoid is a major cause of concern for the officials. The city reported 173 cases of typhoid till August 10 in addition to 639 cases in July against 525 cases in August and 465 cases in July last year. adding further official said, "We are trying to control diseases by aggressively carrying out preventive actions. The month so far has also recorded 168 cases of gastroenteritis and 145 cases of jaundice..