Farmers reject state government’s claim of protest being politically motivated

Amritsar | Sunday | 6th January, 2019


The state government is trying to twist the issue by branding farmers,” said BKU Ugrahan general secretary Sukhdev Singh Kokri. Union state president Joinder Singh Ugrahan said that though the five-day-long agitation was over but the the protests for complete debt waiver would continue. We are protesting to remind the promises the Congress had made before 2017 state assembly elections of complete debt waiver, which after gaining power was truncated to Rs 2 lakh. “We are protesting for complete debt waiver and it is the Congress government not us which is trying to give a political colour to our agitation which is unacceptable,” Kokri added. Even this has also not been given to all deserving farmers even in more than 21 months..