Now, talk of cellphone ban at Golden Temple

Amritsar | Thursday | 10th January, 2019


In the recent past, the management of the Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple in Madurai had imposed a ban on carrying mobile phones inside the temple. He said SGPC might not take the decision to ban mobile phones immediately, but it would have to restrict the use of mobile phones inside the temple complex in future .A few religious places have already banned mobile phones. But if devotees insist, then sewadars will help them take a memorable picture with the Golden Temple in the backdrop.” AMRITSAR: After imposing a ban on taking photographs inside the Golden Temple complex, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) is said to be considering a ban on mobile phones as well.Talking to TOI on Wednesday, SGPC chief secretary Roop Singh said the use of mobile phones inside the shrine’s complex intervened with its sanctity and disturbed devotees. “Ever since we have put up the display boards, we have observed 50% drop in pictures being taken by devotees,” said the chief secretary.When asked how the SGPC would implement its orders, Roop Singh said: “We will sensitise sewadars on dealing politely with devotees and making them understand the need to maintain maryada and sanctity of the temple..