No Hindutva outfit supported Sena’s rally against police: BJP

Aurangabad | Saturday | 19th May, 2018


People particularly in few old city areas have suffered due to the riots for no fault of theirs. Many Hindutva outfits, including followers of Asaram Bapu, participated in the morcha,” he said. It was a trivial thing that triggered the riots and some people saw it as opportunity to do politics over it,” Boralkar said. He added that almost all the Hindutva organizations refrained from being part of the rally dubbed as ‘Hindu Shakti Pradarshan morcha’ by the Sena.“A few religious leaders from outside the city may have participated in the rally, but most of the locals turned their back towards the rally that was not at all in the interest of the city. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday claimed that no Hindutva outfit worth its name has extended its support or participated in the rally organised by the Shiv Sena on Saturday.“People want peace and harmony to prevail in the city,” state BJP spokesperson Shirish Boralkar said.He added that the BJP had already made it clear on Friday that they would not have anything to do with the Sena-sponsored rally to protest against the police for its alleged failure in controlling the riots.“Instead, the BJP workers are focusing on rehabilitation of the affected people and visited many areas to identify such beleaguered residents instead of indulging in further waste of time..