City woman conquers Everest in 2nd attempt

Aurangabad | Monday | 21st May, 2018


Last year, Waghmare had to retreat 170 metres ahead of the Everest summit due to bad weather, he said.According to Khairnaar, Waghmare left for the Everest Summit from Aurangabad on April 4. They reached camp 2 on May 18, camp 3 on May 19, camp 4 on May 20. On May 17, at 1.30 am, the team started the Everest summit. The training included climbing the high peaks around the base camp, ice climbing and glider training. Her expedition from Kathmandu started on April 6 from where she travelled by air to Lukla at 2,800 metres above sea level.“Waghmare reached the Everest base camp on April 14, where the acclimatisation training started..