People raze pillars erected to stop entry of 4-wheelers on GMCH premises

Aurangabad | Saturday | 15th December, 2018


Cars parked unnecessarily on the GMCH premises also led to traffic issues and anti-social activities.On Friday, a 14-year-old daughter of a staffer who resides in the GMCH staff quarters succumbed to dengue. Aurangabad: The cement barriers, erected around one-and-a-half month ago by the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) administration to prevent entry of four wheelers on the hospital premises from the rear entrance, were broken on Friday.According to sources, the pillars were broken to carry the body of a dengue victim — a resident of GMCH staff quarters. However, with the girl’s death, sensing an opportunity at hand the residents broke the barriers. On November 1, the hospital had raised pillars at the rear entrance near Makai Gate allowing the entry of pedestrians and two-wheelers only.Medical superintendent Kailash Zine said that owing to absence of gate and security staff people were using the GMCH as a way to travel to the Panchakki side. A group of people, claiming to be relatives of the girl, brought a bulldozer and razed the pillars for the hearse van to carry the girl’s body for cremation.Being asked about it, Zine said the issue was sensitive and the administration could not take any action to stop the people.Earlier, residents and political leaders on the other side of the entrance had tried to persuade GMCH dean Kanan Yelikar by giving a memorandum and threatening of agitation for removing the barriers.Yelikar had said that the matter will be placed before the administrative meeting but had not given any assurance on removing the barriers..