Husband, kin set afire 24-year old woman for dowry in Pilibhit

Bareilly | Friday | 23rd February, 2018


A hunt is on to find them.The incident happened on Thursday morning at Naua Nagala village under Deuria Kotwali police station. He and his relatives asked her to get one motorcycle and Rs 50,000 as dowry. They began to physically torture her almost on a daily basis.Roopwati informed her father about her ordeal. He rushed to her house.Police lodged an FIR against Kumar and his relatives in the matter on Friday afternoon after Roopwati’s father filed a written complaint.According to Jagdish Prasad, he had married Roopwati to Rajendra Kumar. He begged his son-in-law and his family members to spare her but to no avail, said Jagdish Prasad said.“I came to know that my daughter had been set afire by an anonymous caller who telephoned me after which I rushed to Naua Nagala..