DTR 19-yr-old elephant died due to negligence, says expert; demands probe

Bareilly | Monday | 18th June, 2018


The incident happened during a joint operation by forest officials and Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) members. “We duly reported the matter to principal chief wildlife warden of UP, Pawan Kumar, and sought his permission to administer sedatives to Batalik. “The pachyderm was administered sedatives by non-government veterinarians without seeking prior permission from the field director of DTR,” Singh alleged.“I have also raised the issue of UP forest divisions complete dependence on NGOs and zoo-based veterinarians. I have urged the principal secretary to resolve this situation,” Singh added.Field director of DTR Ramesh Pandey said Battalik, who was in musth, had grown tremendously violent and they had no other options than tranquilizing it. However, precautions were taken..