After loot bid, PNB staff threaten to stop work if guards not deployed

Bareilly | Tuesday | 2nd October, 2018


“We will wait some time for deployment of security guards at every branch, failing which we shall resort to an indefinite protest,” he warned. “The branches of PNB in Pilibhit were being operated without any security guard for the past 12 years,” said Rastogi.He said security guards were deployed only at those branches which operated cash chests. On seeing many people, the masked man fled without taking the money, said Bhasin.Getting information, police reached the bank and collected the CCTV footage. He barged into the cash cabin, whipped out a pistol and placed it on his waist, directing him to put all the cash in his bag.Stunned, the cashier screamed for help and other staff members rushed to the cash cabin. The staff said there was no security guard in any branch in the district.According to Adarsh Bhasin, a cashier, a masked man entered the bank premises at about 5.30 pm on Monday when he was closing the cash counter..