Hotel management student raises ‘pro-Pakistan’ slogans, booked for sedition

Bareilly | Monday | 18th February, 2019


This created flutter among other students and the situation turned volatile soon. We, somehow, managed to control the situation and informed police. The student was handed over to police, who took him to the police station, and an FIR was lodged against him.”After the incident, the student was suspended from the university and his parents were informed about the matter, said Agarwal. Moradabad: A first year student of hotel management at IFTM University here was arrested and booked under sedition charges on Monday for allegedly raising pro-Pakistan slogans at an event organised to pay homage to the fallen soldiers of the Pulwama attack.The 19-year-old student was booked just two days after two engineering students, including one from Kashmir, were booked on the same charges here on Saturday.Station house officer (SHO) of Pakbara kotwali Neeraj Sharma said the student was booked under sections 124 A (sedition) and 153 A (promoting enmity between different groups and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) on a complaint lodged by university registrar Sanjeev Agarwal.According to the registrar, the student, a resident of Naugawan Sadat thesil in Amroha district, had raised ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ when the university students and teachers were paying homage to the Pulwama martyrs, said SHO.Agarwal told TOI, “Around 12.30 on Monday, when the students and teachers of the university were paying homage to the Pulwama martyrs the student started raising ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans at the venue..