STP has residents of gated community worried

Bengaluru | Sunday | 25th March, 2018


Residents fear that the newly-commissioned STP will increase odour in the area, apart from incessant noise from the machines. Moreover, Karnataka does not have STP guidelines that mandate remedial measures when constructing close to residential areas. more-inThe recent inauguration spree, which included Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) touted as the panacea for the city’s lakes, however, brought a sense of fear for residents of a gated community near Kengeri. It was only after the start of construction that residents were made aware that an STP was being constructed next to their houses. Priyanka Jamwal, a researcher from Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), says having a malfunctioning STP close to a residential complex can lead to two issues..