In a first, rare albino cobra rescued in B'luru

Bengaluru | Monday | 2nd July, 2018


BENGALURU: An Albino monocled cobra , popularly known as white cobra , was sighted and rescued for the first time ever in the city on Monday.The hatchling, which is not more than seven days old, was rescued from a house in Mathikere area of North-West Bengaluru by snake rescuer Rajesh Kumar M.Only about eight albino cobras have been sighted in the country so farRajesh told TOI that it was for the first-time an albino snake was rescued in the city.The hatchling was rescued from a house in Mathikere“The snake with white coloured body and red eyes is very rare. When I got a call from a house owner from the Gokula Extension in Mathikere, I was under the impression it was another common cobra. The snake was quarter feet long and was released in the suitable habitat,” he added. Even across the country only about eight of them have been sighted so far. But it was a pleasant surprise for me..