Cubbon Park walkers file plaint against homosexuals

Bengaluru | Thursday | 13th September, 2018


We are open to speaking to members of the Cubbon Park Walkers’ Association and addressing their concerns,” Akkai added.Pramodi K, a transgender, said, “Cubbon Park is also a place where one can find sex workers looking for clients; there are people of all kinds. “We cannot obstruct couples frp, the LGBT community as they can sit in the park like any other couple. BENGALURU: Days after the Supreme Court decriminalised homosexuality Cubbon Park walkers have a filed a police complaint seeking legal action against homosexuals, alleging that many of them have been indulging in illegal activities on the park premises of late. But homosexuals are roaming around in the park in groups, shouting slogans and instigating men to join them in immoral activities and even abusing them. Targeting homosexuals is a crime.”Cubbon Park police confirmed they received a complaint from the walkers’ association and said beat constables have been instructed to look into the matter..