Students of NIAS extend support to anti-CAA protesters in Bengaluru

Bengaluru | Thursday | 19th December, 2019


The academic fraternity extended their support to all those who have been protesting against the unconstitutional NRC and the CAA. They strongly condemned police brutality against the students of Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University, as well as the atrocities being committed against protestors across Assam. "Over the last few days, the country has been a witness to numerous inhumane acts and strategies employed to curb the voices of democratic dissent. The state has deployed brutal force and propaganda by entering and attacking the safe spaces of students, such as university buildings, libraries, and engaging in violent acts by using tear-gas shells and lathis. "Nor does its framing as providing citizenship to religiously persecuted people hold up as it leaves out several others facing similar persecutions in countries neighbouring to India," the statement further added..