Lecco Cucina"s Store at Lavelle Road Witnesses Massive Footfall on Its Launch Day

Bengaluru | Friday | 30th September, 2022


BENGALURU, India, Sept.

30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- 300+ visitors joined Lecco Cucina"s launch party at their store on the Lavelle Road.

Numerous architects, manufacturers, distributors, and real estate owners were also a part of the crowd.

96% visitors rated Lecco Cucina from good to excellent and were found extremely impressive of the displayed Italian kitchens and wardrobes.

Many amongst them booked their first Lecco modular kitchen and wardrobe.

And few of them were lucky enough to grab the inaugural offer.

Lecco Cucina is thankful to all who supported them and welcomed them with open arms.

They are thrilled to witness such an amazing response.