Amazon urged to withdraw skateboards with Ganesha images

Bengaluru | Tuesday | 17th January, 2017


Bengaluru: Irked by leading e-retailer Amazon selling skateboards and bedspreads with images of Hindu god Ganesha, Hindus in the US on Tuesday urged it to immediately withdraw them from its online platform. “We are disappointed with for continuing to carry skateboards, bed covers, duvet covers and bedspreads showing images of our deity Lord Ganesha on its site. “Trivialisation of Lord Ganesha is disturbing to the Hindus. “Amazon President Jeffery P.

Bezos should not only apologise for allowing his online platform to marketing products with images of Ganesha, but also withdraw them immediately as they are offensive to us,” added Zed. Expressing regret for offending Indian sentiments, Amazon India Manager Amit Agarwal wrote to Swaraj that the company was committed to respect Indian laws and customs..