BBMP forms expert committee to inspect Mantri Square

Bengaluru | Wednesday | 18th January, 2017


However, BBMP Commissioner N.

Manjunath Prasad said the authorities would only go by expert committee report. Meanwhile, Mantri Developers, which owns and operates Mantri Square, released an independent structural inspection report of the accident site claiming that the building was “structurally safe”. more-inAn independent team of four experts has been formed to carry out a structural analysis of Mantri Square in Malleswaram to ascertain its safety before it’s thrown open to the public again. The expert committee is led by Radhakrishna, associate professor at RV College of Engineering, and has three members from Civil Aid Techno Clinic Pvt. The debris has been already cleared and repair work is under way,” a statement from Mantri Developers said..