In less than a year, newly laid roads dug up in Whitefield

Bengaluru | Wednesday | 1st February, 2017


BBMP Commissioner N Manjunath Prasad said that he would take immediate measures to check road cutting permits for newly laid roads. It needs to be probed how the new TSPs are being given road cutting permits for the newly laid roads too,” he said. The ECC Road in Whitefield has been dug up to lay optic-fibre cablesmore-inWhile many roads were remade and asphalted under the Nagarothana Scheme during 2016, most of them are being dug up this month. This in violation of the civic body’s own rules that no road cutting will be allowed within an year of its asphalting. Graphite India Road, one of the most critical arterial roads, has also been dug up near CMRIT College by another telecom service provider..