Bengaluru records heaviest August rainfall since 1890

Bengaluru | Wednesday | 16th August, 2017


Bengaluru: Bengaluru early on Tuesday witnessed a record 180mm rainfall in barely three hours, the heaviest downpour in August since 1890, an official said. According to the Meteorological Department, the city had not witnessed such heavy rainfall in August since 1890, when 166 mm rain was recorded on a single day. It is certainly 3-4 times heavier than the prediction,” Prabhu told IANS. Prabhu of the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre said the weather monitoring system could not predict the heaviest rainfall in the city in 127 years. The heavy rain wreaked havoc across the city, crippling normal life, flooding roads and houses in many localities and dampened the 71st Independence Day celebrations in the state capital..