AC bus stand plan tweaked

Bhatinda | Saturday | 10th February, 2018


However, BIT officials say that after shifting the bus stand, the new bus stand will be converted into AC bus stand later. It is pertinent to mention that proposal to built AC bus stand has been hanging in fire on papers since 2009. Due to which BIT changing the plan has decided to review the entry and exit point of the new bus stand, so after the construction of the bus stand they don’t face any problems. Primary motive to shift it outside city to address traffic chaosTribune News ServiceBathinda, February 9The Bathinda Improvement Trust (BIT) has changed the plan of constructing an AC bus stand on a plot of 17.50 acres on Patel Nagar as now the it has plan to construct a bus stand to shift the present bus stand from the city to resolve the problem of traffic chaos. Cant officials have told BIT officials to construct boundary wall as well as install CCTV cameras to ensure that cantonment security remained intact..