MP: Govt buckles, guest faculty will now get Rs 30K salary

Bhopal | Friday | 29th June, 2018


It will be a loss to the guest faculty,” said Singh.He added, “We only want that the guest faculty who have been working for the past many years should not lose job in any situation. The guest teachers have now demanded separate cadre for them.Issuing the circular, the department stated that fixed amount would be given to the guest teachers. For the past six months, guest faculty have been agitating for their demands.President, state teaching faculty association, Devraj Singh welcomed the decision of the government. Teacher will get Rs 1,500 per day after 20 days.It is also stated that guest faculty would be required to work minimum 7 hours in a day. He, however, added that they continue their demand to stop recruitment of assistant professors through PSC.“Guest faculty are worried that around 2,000 vacant posts on which guest faculty are working will be given to individuals clearing PSC exam..