Woman accused of fraud slips out of police station in Bhopal

Bhopal | Monday | 8th October, 2018


She belongs to Jabalpur but has been living in Bhopal these days.An advocate took her before a judge as guarantor with patta documents, police said. When the judge asked her whether the name and picture in patta is hers, she got confused. BHOPAL: A 28-year-old woman - arrested on charges of forgery for appearing before the judge in district court as a bail guarantor of an accused - escaped from police custody on Sunday.The woman escaped from MP Nagar police station.Earlier reports suggested that the woman had escaped at night itself from MP Nagar police station, however, police said that the woman was lodged at Mahila Thana for the night and escaped when she was brought to MP Nagar police station on Sunday morning.A woman accused has to be kept at Mahila Thana during night hours , according to the law.The woman is yet to be nabbed, said police. Police, however, arrested the four people who had come to the court to act as bail of the accused against money.Rs500 to Rs700 is offered to people to appear in court as a fake guarantor with patta and lease documents of slum areas, said police.The woman has been identified as Rashi, 28. The judge ordered to hand over her to the police, and the woman was booked for forgery.She told police that she was told to say that she was ready to be a guarantor and would get Rs500 for it, but she got confused before judge.She was kept at Mahila Thana at night and was brought to MP Nagar police station in morning to produce her in court, when she slipped out of the police station, police said.The four fake guarantors arrested were identified as Mahesh, Giriraj, Satyanarayan and Vishnu, were caught from the court premises on Sunday, police said..