Seven held with ‘Pakistan’ balloons in Satna

Bhopal | Friday | 19th October, 2018


Pictures of the seized balloons that went viral on social media show at least one that says ‘Pakistan Zindabad’.Sources say balloons with the Pakistan message vanished before police reached the spot. “There were some balloons that had stars, but none had Pakistan written on it,” said the officer, adding efforts are being made to locate the shop where these balloons were procured. BHOPAL:Seven persons, including four women from Bhopal , were rounded up in Satna’s main market on Thursday following reports that they were selling balloons that said ‘Pakistan Zindabad’.“We have detained them for questioning after a phone call that they were selling pro-Pakistan balloons. All of them are illiterate,” Satna SP Santosh Singh Gaur told TOI.He insisted that police haven’t been able to trace “even a single balloon that had Pakistan and Zindabad written on it”. A balloon with a Pakistani flag tied to it was found in the same area, which abuts the border with Pakistan..