Madhya Pradesh: Ink thrown at Kanhaiya Kumar, Jignesh Mewani in Gwalior

Bhopal | Monday | 19th November, 2018


A detainee identified himself as Mukesh Pal and shouted ‘Hindu Sena zindabad’ while being escorted to the police van. BHOPAL: Ink was thrown at former Jawaharlal Nehru University Student Union President Kanhaiya Kumar and Gujarat MLA Jignesh Mewani in Madhya Pradesh 's Gwalior district by members of Hindu Sena.They were invited to address a symposium on ‘save democracy-save sovereignty-save Constitution’ organised at the auditorium of Gwalior chamber of commerce by a Samvidhan Bachao Samiti. This NGO is headed by Devashish Jarariya who had sought permission for this program on Sunday.When Kanhaiya and Jignesh were about to enter the venue one person threw ink at them from behind amid several policemen and media persons.He was taken into custody immediately after this incident. Around 40 other members of Hindu Sena were detained earlier in the morning while protesting outside the auditorium.Hindu Sena had warned local administration that they would hold a strong protest if this symposium was permitted.Jarariya who organised this program is from Gwalior and claims to have studied in Campus Law College, Delhi University..