All eyes glued on results of the key constituencies

Bhopal | Sunday | 9th December, 2018


On June 30, 2016, BJP leadership had asked Sartaj Singh to step down from the cabinet because he was “too aged”. A viral video of septuagenarian Sartaj Singh weeping before his supporters after being denied BJP ticket, is still fresh in our memory. Sanjay Pathak is former Congress MLA who joined BJP in 2014 and Padma Shukla is former BJP who joined Congress three months ago. Bhopal will witness the most interesting contest in South-West seat where Congress has fielded PC Sharma against minister for revenue Umashankar Gupta. Will Chouhan’s brother-in-law be lucky in his maiden attempt?Another seat of interest is Hoshangabad where the former minister and BJP veteran Sartaj Singh is the Congress candidate against assembly speaker Sitasharan Sharma..