City’s Varsha tops CS prof exam, Harshwardha bags AIR 3

Bhopal | Tuesday | 26th February, 2019


I gave CS exam just to gain knowledge and strengthen my CV.” He secured 553 out of 900 marks in CS exam. Talking about the preparations for CS professional exam, he said, “My goal is to clear CA. He did his schooling from Carmel Convent Ratanpur, Bhopal in 2016. Bhopal: City girl Varsha Panjwani bagged All India first rank in the Company Secreatry (CS)- professional programme results of which was declared by the ICSI on Monday.Harshwardhan Sangtani, who also hails from Bhopal, secured all India third rank.Likewise, state capital’s Arpit Goyal, too, secured AIR 16th.Speaking to TOI, Varsha, who scored 581 marks out of 900, said, “A focussed approach towards studies helped me clear CS professional level. As am pursuing CA also, I was occupied with the training, and had no time for coaching, I did it all on the basis of my self-studies.” Notably, Varsha had secured AIR 4 in CS executive programme.She did her class XII from Holy Family Convent School in Bhopal in 2016.AIR 3, Harshwardhan is also pursuing CA..