AICTE, Stanford hold online test to judge engineering education

Bhopal | Thursday | 27th April, 2017


Bhopal: A private college from Bhopal, IES Institute of Technology and Management was selected for an online test organized jointly by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) in association with Stanford University. Even in few questions students were asked to grade the college regarding engineering studies." PRO, IES College, Nitin Chaurasiya said the test in their college is being conducted from April 17 to April 30. The online test comprises technical skills in physics, mathematics, informatics, critical thinking, creativity and quantitative literacy skills.Sources said other colleges from state are being also involved to conduct such tests. Almost 50% of them fail to get a job, a survey said.Depending on the results, AICTE will decide where and how to intervene to improve education standards..