City to host 10th Indian film festival of Bhubaneswar (IFFB)

Bhubaneswar | Sunday | 20th January, 2019


Film Society of Bhubaneswar will host the 10th Indian film festival of Bhubaneswar (IFFB) from January 24-30 focusing is on contemporary Indian cinema. The festival is organised in collaboration of Kerala Chalachitra Academy, Goethe Institute, Kolkata, Bangalore International Film festival and the Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation, Chennai.Noted Malayalam film maker Shaji Karun will present on the opening ceremony and his films will be screened under the Indian Masters Section. The winners of the students’ film competition will be felicitated during the closing ceremony of the festival.he festival aimed to bring to its audience contemporary Indian cinema from across the country, from marginal areas, languages, significant voices in the cinematic medium. These films are acclaimed works, recognised in film festivals internationally. There will be a retrospective on the noted German film maker Fatih Akin ..