800 KMs in Sri Lanka Bhubaneswar Cycling and Adventure Club adds Another Chapter To Its International Adventure

Bhubaneswar | Friday | 18th October, 2019


Bhubaneswar: 8 Cyclists of Bhubaneswar Cycling and Adventure Club (BCAC) recently completed an adventurous journey of 800KMs among the mountains and jungles of Sri Lanka as its flagship International Adventure. Continuing the trend of International Cycling Expeditions, 8 members of BCAC set out on an adventurous journey in the highlands and plains of Sri Lanka in 2019. With a theme of “Reconnecting Buddhism”, these BCACians covered the most significant Buddhist Monuments and Pagodas in Sri Lanka drawing a route-map of “Numeric 8” on the land of Sri Lanka. On the way, they explored the history and present day Sri Lanka through the lenses of Buddhism, culture, traditions, people, innovation and development. They also witnessed the resilience of people of Sri Lanka after the hit of Tsunami in 2004..