Parking firm pays dues in protest

Chandigarh | Friday | 20th April, 2018


MC’s Joint Commissioner Tejdeep Singh Saini, who authorised the parking firm to double the charges keeping the Mayor in the dark, has gone elusive. Sandeep RanaTribune News ServiceChandigarh, April 19It seems that the increased parking charges are here to stay as the parking firm on Thursday submitted a pending quarterly license fee of Rs 2.69 crore to the Municipal Corporation as a protest. Arya Toll Infra Limited has urged the MC to provide the missing basic amenities at several parking lots in one month. Mayor Davesh Moudgil said: “I have been making persistent efforts due to which the firm has at least paid the money. However, the firm has failed to improve things at the parking lots.”The corporation on Wednesday served a showcase notice on the company to clear its pending dues by Friday evening, failing which the contract termination process was to be followed..