Helmetless rides to cost women from Sept 5

Chandigarh | Thursday | 30th August, 2018


On September 5, the month-long campaign would end.As a part of the awareness campaign on Wednesday, traffic police organised a 30-km-long helmet awareness rally with 200 women twowheeler riders. CHANDIGARH: The police would start challaning women not wearing helmets while riding two-wheelers in the city from September 5, giving a week’s time to them to buy the safety gear.The fine for driving without helmets is Rs 300 and Rs 600 for subsequent offence. The objective was to build public awareness and enthusiasm amongst road users to wear helmets while riding two-wheelers. Last year, police challaned 33,727 two-wheeler riders for driving without helmets.On July 6, the transport department of the UT administration had issued a notification that wearing helmets has been made compulsory for all women barring Sikh women with turbans. The rally which covered 28 sectors was flagged off from Post Graduate Government College, Sector 11, by road accident victims..