Chandigarh: Nine months on, few takers for new PGI sarai despite chill, high footfall

Chandigarh | Saturday | 15th December, 2018


Inaugurated by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh in January, the sarai has 120 beds in dormitories, 13 private rooms, 6 three-bed rooms and 15 six-bed rooms. Six-bed rooms are for Rs 600 per day. AdvertisingBuilt at a cost of Rs 12 crore, the sarai, that was opened for people in March, is found mostly empty. We have requested the UT several times that we can run this sarai, but we haven’t heard anything from them,” he said. AdvertisingThe dormitory charge is Rs 100 per bed for a day, while for other rooms it is Rs 500 per day per bed..