Chandigarh: Does this street need pavers? Yes, says Kalia

Chandigarh | Monday | 11th February, 2019


No wonder they want to install paver blocks worth Rs 4.94 crore at places where such blocks already exist, and are in mint condition. The MC agenda that was passed on January 30, says paver blocks worth Rs 81.75 lakh are required in the lane in front of House No 3001 to 5334. Mayor Rajesh Kalia and officials of the engineering wing seem to have a thing for paver blocks. Another Rs 32.15 lakh on paversAdvertisingThe Finance and Contract Committee meeting chaired by Mayor Kalia again approved a boundary wall and pavers worth Rs 32.15 lakh near the cremation ground in Maloya. Newsline found that not only was the lane lined with pavers, the blocks were in good shape and vehicles were plying smoothly on the street..