Malaria cases witness spike in Dera Bassi

Chandigarh | Tuesday | 17th September, 2019


72 test positive | 80 pc affected are migrant labourersSatinder Pal SinghDera Bassi, September 16The Health Department and Dera Bassi Municipal Council’s claims of regular fogging and awareness campaigns to curb malaria menace have fallen flat. A total of malaria and dengue cases reported this year stands at 72 and 6, respectively. He said challans were issued to over 50 people in whose premises larvae was detected in the last three months in Lalru and Dera Bassi. Recently, the anti-larvae wing of the Health Department found dengue larvae at 37 spots in Mohalla Valmiki, Dera Bassi. The Health Department’s official said wherever they find positive cases, they get anti-larvae spray done in that particular area..