White tigress gives birth to 4 cubs in Chhatbir Zoo

Chandigarh | Monday | 18th November, 2019


Our CorrespondentZirakpur, November 17Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park, popular as Chhatbir Zoo, welcomed four new members after Diya, the white tigress, gave birth to four cubs this morning. For the Zoo authorities, the birth of the cubs is a joyous occasion. Officials said the zoo-born Diya mated with Aman, a tiger brought from the Kanpur zoo under animal exchange programme four years ago. M Sudhagar, Field Director, Chhatbir Zoo, said the tigress and her cubs had been kept in an isolated enclosure and no zoo officials, except the tigress’ keepers, were being allowed to go close. Sudhagar said even though the cubs were healthy and active, the zoo team were making the necessary arrangements for the cubs to pass this winter comfortably..