Scrutiny of PhD topics, synopses gets tough

Chandigarh | Tuesday | 5th September, 2017


He pointed out and shared the ‘visible’ drawbacks and deficiencies in case of various presentations and asked them to be ‘careful’ in future while approving synopses presented in the Departmental Research Board (DRB) meetings. Tribune News ServicePatiala, September 4The task of scrutiny and clearance of PhD topics and synopses would have never been so tough for deans of various faculties, heads of department and supervisors of PhD candidates, presented for their registration following their enrolment, as it was during the current meeting of the Board of Postgraduate Studies And Research (BPSAR). He also recommended to design a standard format for writing of synopses so that PhD candidates and their supervisors do not come up with their own different and subjective formulations. Prof Ghuman also cautioned the faculty as members of the DRB to ensure their presence in the meetings to give suggestions for improving the quality of synopses. He advised to involve stakeholders from the market or profession to make the topics more relevant to the needs of the market and society..