Motorists complain of a surfeit of speed-breakers in Pallavaram

Chennai | Friday | 25th May, 2018


Motorists taking Indira Gandhi Road, Bajanai Kovil Street and Pillayar Kovil Street in Pallavaram have too much of a good thing — between them, there are 10 speed-breakers. Moreover, speed-breakers have not been constructed near the streetlights on Bajanai Kovil Street and at the intersection of Indira Gandhi Road, Acharya Tulasi Road and Bazaar Road, Pallavaram. These speed-breakers are too high and motorists who negotiate them land with a discomfiting thud. Steps will be taken to remove speed-breakers that are found short of the norms specified by the Indian Road Congress.” With vehicular traffic on Indira Gandhi Road moving at a snail pace, encroachments by commercial establishments and haphazard parking of vehicles and the surfeit of speed-breakers make driving an arduous task,” says P.

Raj, a resident of Pozhichalur..