Madurai bull tamers get Rs 2L insurance cover

Chennai | Monday | 14th January, 2019


The district administration said that in case of no bank account, an account would be opened on the spot. MADURAI: In what seems to be a first-of-its-kind initiative, the Madurai district administration on Sunday announced a compulsory insurance scheme for bull tamers in case of death, while participating in jallikattu events this year.The bull tamers have been instructed to mandatorily apply for insurance under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) scheme on Monday, for which premium of Rs 12/- would be charged. A total of 691 bulls were registered for Avaniyapuram jallikattu, while the total number of bulls registered for Palamedu jallikattu was yet to be ascertained. The insurance could be claimed by a bull-tamer in case of death in jallikattu event held anywhere across the state.The bull tamers have been asked to visit their respective/ nearby banks on Monday and fill up forms to avail the insurance. It was initially announced that it would till 3pm.The bull registration for Avaniyapuram jallikattu – scheduled on January 15 – and Palamedu jallikattu – scheduled on January 16 – was held on Sunday..