One in two info requests of sleuths turned down by social media firms

Chennai | Wednesday | 24th July, 2019


SV KRISHNACHAITANYA ByExpress News ServiceCHENNAI: The State government has mounted pressure on social media firms to share information sought by legal enforcement agencies (LEAs) dealing with various cyber and criminal cases. As per the report filed by the deputy secretary of the Information Technology Department before the Madras High Court, social media companies have an average compliance of only 50 per cent. Among all, YouTube has the worst record with only four per cent cases reaching fruition. On May 22, the Chief Secretary held a meeting with technocrats of social media intermediaries and with officers of LEAs, where several concerns were raised regarding traceability of original source of an objectionable post/image/video circulated in social media. However, social media firms argue that in many cases the requests from LEAs do not follow the format prescribed by Ministry of Home Affairs..