This Chennai 'idli paati' still works magic with her hands and has a spring in her step

Chennai | Saturday | 28th September, 2019


Nandalal ByOnline DeskCHENNAI: When you ask people in Kodambakkam about the old lady who runs an idli shop, they promptly say, "Oh namma idli paati, aama teriyum" (oh the 'idli grandma', yes we know her). Selvagani, an 80-year-old grandma fondly known as 'idli paati', has been running a small idli shop for the last 19 years here. This 80 year old 'idli paati' has been single-handedly running a small idli shop for the last 19 years. READ HERE | TNIE impact: Generous help pours in for idli paati 80-year-old Kamalathal80 and inspiringThis superwoman is a bundle of inspiration. There's no one who exemplifies those words more than 'idli paati' herself..