‘Hope you are watching this, amma.. I’m restoring the lake’

Chennai | Wednesday | 12th February, 2020


Madhumitha Viswanath ByExpress News ServiceCHENNAI: A 52-year-old farmer placed his deceased mother’s photo beside a lake and began desilting the waterbody two weeks ago. As word got around, several people from Kurumbarai village in Kancheepuram reached the lake and joined him. Karunakaran’s mother died two weeks ago, then he decided to commemorate his mother’s life in a way that benefitted the whole village. The lake, spread over three acres of land, served as a watering hole and drinking water source for the village for as long as the locals could remember. As many grow sugarcane, which is a water-intensive crop, restoring water bodies will go a long way to recharge groundwater levels.” Karunakaran added..