NeoBolt test drives in Chennai, delivery starts

Chennai | Thursday | 3rd December, 2020


NeoMotion aspires to enhance the quality of life of people with disability and the elderly in a transformative way; with high-quality devices that set the standard and help engender a shift from a plethora of sub-optimal products that aggravate health issues and significantly restrict the scope of a meaningful, active and productive life of dignity.


NeoMotion aspires to enhance the quality of life of people with disability and the elderly in a transformative way; with high-quality devices that set the standard and help engender a shift from a plethora of sub-optimal products that aggravate health issues and significantly restrict the scope of a meaningful, active and productive life of dignity.

NeoMotion’s journey began with the Standing Wheelchair project of IIT-Madras in April 2015.

The team travelled across the country for testing and interacted with over 200 wheelchair users and found that most wheelchair users are confined to four walls with poor health, no employment, and no social engagement.

The two major problems that caught their attention were:

Lack of awareness and availability of a good wheelchair: One-size-fits-all wheelchairs, widely in use, offer incorrect posture, and are difficult to propel.

There is a lack of awareness of the extent of damage that a bad wheelchair can inflict on health even in a three-month period, leave alone lifetime users.

Challenges in outdoor mobility: Conventional wheelchairs are unusable outdoors.

For outdoor mobility people use alternates as tri-cycles and tri-scooters but these involve transfers from one device to another making the person always dependent.

Consequently, many wheelchair users stay within their homes.

The focus of NeoMotion is lifestyle-altering solutions for wheelchair users.