Celebrating Saint Ramanuja

Chennai | Friday | 11th August, 2017


The Chief Justice of Madras High Court, Indira Banerjee, said Saint Ramanuja combined both the northern and southern traditions of vaishnavism and also strengthened the religious belief and worship of Lord Vishnu. A new edition of the book ‘Life of Sri Ramanuja’ by Swami Ramakrishnanda was released during the occasion. The event was followed by a drama on the life of Sri Ramanuja. Speaking at the event organised to commemorate the 1,000th birth anniversary of Saint Ramanuja by the Sri Ramakrishna Math and Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha, he said, “He was an embodiment of compassion and inclusiveness, a concept more relevant now than even during the time he lived. Vice-president of the Sri Ramakrishna Math Swami Gautamanandaji Maharaj noted that people continue to speak of him even 1,000 years after his death and that showed what a great person he was..