Tirupur to get industrial park for sculpting

Coimbatore | Thursday | 19th April, 2018


The green belt will contain pollution within the industrial park. Located on the outskirts of the dollar city, the cluster produces magnificent stone sculptures that are sold across the country as well as abroad. Due to the use of heavy machinery to cut stone, noise produced from the units often crossed the permissible decibels.“Dust from the units reached households situated in the one-kilometre radius, getting into food and water. Children and the aged were the most affected,” M Yuvaraj, a local resident, told TOI.The residents were also disturbed by the incessant noise from the units. Tirupur: Heeding to the demands of about 300 families in Thirumuruganpoondi that had been complaining of air and noise pollution emanating from the nearby stone carving cluster for more than eight years, the units have now decided to relocate to an industrial park, away from the residential area.The sculpture manufacturing units have collectively decided to buy a 10-acre plot to set up the park..