Opposition parties to lay siege to corporation office on July 31

Coimbatore | Wednesday | 18th July, 2018


COIMBATORE: The city police’s attempt to persuade the opposition parties to withdraw their July 31 protest against the privatization of 24*7 water supply project failed.The opposition parties, including DMK, Congress, MDMK, VCK, Left parties and few other political outfits, have planned to besiege the city municipal corporation at Town Hall in the city on July 31. The police requested the parties to withdraw their protest on July 31. The objective of the meetings is to gather public at the corporation main building on July 31 to protest privatization of water supply.Anticipating trouble during the protest on July 31, the city police convened a meeting with opposition parties at RS Puram police station on Tuesday. They have also planned to conduct meeting with ward-level party leaders across 100 words in the corporation from July 20 to July 23. So, we are going to besiege the corporation.”.