Students turn waste threads into 30-ft tall ‘fashion lady’

Coimbatore | Monday | 17th September, 2018


We used 10kg of threads unravelled from waste fabrics and dyed them using the yarn dyeing method. Tirupur: Students of NIFT-TEA College of knitwear fashion made a 30-ft tall illustration using waste threads to mark ‘National Coloring Day’, celebrated in the US, here on Friday.The illustration, glittered with waste threads dyed in various colours, depicted a young woman in a full-wear gown.“About 20 students of the Costume Design and Fashion (CDF) department have worked for about 12 hours to make the illustration. Head of the CDF department Rajeswari R Sharma, assistant professors Maria Felix, G Vasumathi , Sangeetha N, Priyadharsni R, Saravanan R and Priya S have coordinated the event. The work also illustrated the importance of art in fashion designing.”Principal K P Balakrishnan and vice-principal A Dayalarajan presided over the celebration. This kind of activities serves to kindle creativity of students and make them play with colour and learn new techniques and to innovate..