Govt hospital suspends sweeper after TOI expose

Coimbatore | Friday | 16th November, 2018


“We are improving the hospital’s cleanliness and hygiene standards on a daily basis and have come a long way,” hospital dean Dr B Ashokan said.Relatives of the patients were forced to clean the ward on Tuesday after the sweeper failed to turn up till 1pm.The sweeper was further accused of demanding a bribe of Rs 10 from each patient. Coimbatore: A day after TOI reported on the unhygienic condition in the ear, nose and throat (ENT) ward of the government hospital, authorities suspended a sweeper on Wednesday.Patients had accused the sweeper of cleaning the ward less than once a day, not clearing garbage and dumping waste in the bathroom’s water tank.While GH authorities insisted that the waste shown in the water tank of the bathroom, in the picture published by TOI, was not medical or biomedical waste, they said the sweeper was suspended for not disposing it properly..