Pongal: Tamizhar Thiruvizha to begin in Coimbatore on Tuesday

Coimbatore | Monday | 14th January, 2019


COIMBATORE: As part of Pongal celebrations, ‘Tamizhar Thiruvizha’ will be held here for the second consecutive year, from January 15 and 17. The thiruvizha will be held on Codissia grounds between 4pm and 7pm on all the three days.The focus of the festival was to celebrate the heritage and culture of Tamizhars, organisers said. It has traditional games, forms of dance and a livestock show of traditional breeds.More than 10 traditional games, including sadu-kudu (kabadai), uriyadithal, vazhuku maram, ilavatta kal, silambam, malutham (wrestling), pambaram (top), mallar kambam, kaiuru illuthal (tug of war) and karala-suthudhal, will be held.The three-day festival will also see around 20 traditional dance forms being performed. They include tharai-thapattai, salangai attam, mylattam and oyilattam.An open cattle market (Kaal-Nadai Santhai) will be organised.A food court serving more than 50 traditional village recipes with medicinal value and tempting aroma would function at the venue.For children, the festival has games, drawing competitions and oratorical competitions..