CM distributes Rs 58.29 lakh to victims of Sawadi fire

Dehradun | Sunday | 18th February, 2018


Those who lost cows or buffaloes were offered Rs 1.45 lakh in total and Rs 1.2 lakh will be distributed among families that had lost domestic animals such as goats. A committee was set up under district magistrate Ashish Chauhan to investigate the cause of increasing fire-related incidents in Mori block and take preventive measures.The government will connect Mori block to Dodrakwar region of Himachal Pradesh, said officials. Uttarkashi: Two days after 39 houses were wiped out in Sawadi village under Mori block of Uttarkashi district, chief minister Triven Singh Rawat, on Sunday, distributed Rs 58. 29 lakh to those affected.In a programme that was held in Jakhol, around 7 km from Sawadi village, the CM announced Rs 40.76 lakh to 40 families whose houses were completely reduced to ashes and Rs 31, 200 to owners of six houses that were partially destroyed in the blaze. He also announced Rs 10,000 per affected person.Singh did an aerial survey of Sawadi and announced several development projects such as a water pipeline and motorable road to the remote village..