54 of 71 MLAs in U’khand assembly have not filed property details: RTI

Dehradun | Wednesday | 11th April, 2018


Nainital: As many as 54 MLAs (out of a total of 71) in the Uttarakhand assembly including CM Trivendra Rawat have failed to furnish property details after getting elected, reply to a RTI query has revealed. As per the norms, elected representatives have to furnish details of their property to the assembly secretariat within three months of getting elected. The elected representatives also have to submit details of their property and assets till June 30 every year but this hasn’t been complied with. As per norms, after the MLAs submit their details, the information should be published in various media outlets for the information of general public. At present, George Ivan Gregory Mann is the nominated member of the assembly who has also failed to submit his details, the query revealed..